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Zantac Case Criteria

Burn Injury Lawyer Louisville
Louisville Injury Firm > Zantac Case Criteria

Threshold Usage:

1. For typical adult case:

At least 1 year of Zantac (ranitidine) usage prior to cancer diagnosis.

Minimum of 300 mg/week during 1-year period of usage.

No more than 10 years since last Zantac (ranitidine) usage prior to cancer diagnosis.

2. For prenatal exposure case:

At least six months of Zantac (ranitidine) usage during pregnancy.

Minimum of 300 mg/week during 6 months of pregnancy.

No more than 5 years after birth for diagnosis of cancer.

1. For typical adult case:

At least 1 year of Zantac (ranitidine) usage prior to cancer diagnosis.

Minimum of 150 mg/week during 1-year period of usage

No more than 1 year since last Zantac (ranitidine) usage prior to cancer diagnosis.

Adult Cancer Limitations

For all cancers, the client must not have had the same cancer prior to initiating Zantac. Note: Smoking is defined as more than 5 cigarettes a months unless otherwise specified.

Bladder Cancer:

No smoking 25 years prior to diagnosis.

No grandparents or parents with bladder cancer (unless they were exposed to Zantac).

No lynch syndrome.

No familial adenoma polyposis.

No catheter use prior to diagnosis.

No abdomen radiation exposure (i.e., for medical treatment, not X-rays, or other diagnostic scans) prior to diagnosis.

No use of Actos.

Colorectal Cancer:

No history of polyps prior to Zantac use.

No family history of colorectal cancer (unless family member was also exposed to Zantac).

No familial adenoma polyposis.

No ulcerative colitis prior to Zantac use.

No Crohn’s Disease prior to Zantac use.

No abdomen radiation exposure (i.e., for medical treatment, not X-rays, or other diagnostic scans) prior to diagnosis.

Esophageal/Throat/Nasal Cancer:

No smoking 25 years prior to diagnosis.

No frequent ingestion of very hot liquids (common in certain near-eastern cultures and in China and Japan).

No abdomen radiation exposure (i.e., for medical treatment, not X-rays, or other diagnostic scans) prior to diagnosis.

No Barrett’s esophagus prior to Zantac use.

Kidney (Renal) Cancer:

No smoking in excess of 10 cigarettes per day. Heavier smokers are ok provided they quit at least 10 years prior to diagnosis.

No immediate family member with renal cancer (unless family member was also exposed to Zantac).

No obesity (over 30 BMI) 5 years prior to diagnosis.

No hypertension prior to diagnosis,

No Hippel-Lindau disease.

No Britt-Hogg-Dube Syndrome.

No tuberous sclerosis complex.

No occupational exposure to cadmium.

Liver Cancer:

No Type II diabetes.

No Hepatitis B or C.

No heavy drinkers (14 or more drinks per week). Ok if heavy drinking ceased within 10 years prior to diagnosis.

No hemochromatosis.

No Wilson’s disease.

No non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Lung Cancer:

No smoking 25 years prior to diagnosis.

No occupational radon gas exposure.

No occupational asbestos exposure.

No occupational arsenic exposure,

No occupational chromium exposure.

No parents with lung cancer (who were non-smokers and who were not exposed to Zantac).

Pancreatic Cancer:

• No parents with lung cancer (who were non-smokers and who were not exposed to Zantac).

Prostate Cancer:

No familial history of prostate cancer (unless family member was also exposed to Zantac).

No BRCA 1 or BRCA 2 mutation (if known).

Stomach Cancer:

No smoking 25 years prior to diagnosis.

No family history of stomach cancer (unless family member was also exposed to Zantac).

No H-pylori infection prior to Zantac use.

No history of anemia.

Testicular Cancer:

No undescended testis.

No Klinefelter syndrome.

Prenatal Pediatric Cancer Limitations

Testicular Cancer:

No undescended testis.

No Klinefelter syndrome.

No prenatal smoking.

All Other Cancers:

No prenatal maternal smoking.

No prenatal maternal exposure to radiation or chemotherapy.

No history of same cancer in mother or father.

Pediatric Cancer Limitations

Same limits as adult cancers.

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