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Traumatic Brain Injuries

Brain Inury Lawyer Louisville
Louisville Injury Firm > Traumatic Brain Injuries

The experienced and highly professional team at Louisville Injury Law Firm have been assisting traumatic brain injury victims for a number of years with their compensation claims. We understand the challenges that traumatic brain injury victims experience in navigating a claims process, such as dealing with insurers and defense lawyers who often show a less than empathetic approach to victims who have suffered significant life-changing injuries.

With our highly-skilled team offering a comprehensive and effective approach to the claims process, where we work tirelessly to achieve the best results for our clients’, our team are the perfect choice when it comes to selecting a compensation lawyer to advocate on your behalf.

Having recovered millions of dollars in compensation payments, and with a significant number of satisfied clients, the team at Louisville Injury Law Firm are the smart choice, when it comes to seeking local, professional compensation advice.

A personal injury attorney in Elizabethtown can help secure compensation for traumatic brain injuries.

Take advantage of our free initial consultation and give us a call today!

Types of Traumatic brain injuries

There are several different types of traumatic brain injuries, all of which have significant implications in terms of quality of life for victims. Brain injuries are classified in terms of severity, according to whether or not the skull was penetrated in the incident.

Examples of the most common forms of brain injuries what we at Louisville Injury Law Firm deal with regularly include;

Concussions, which often occur as a result of a sporting accident or motor vehicle accident.

Injuries sustained at birth as a result of complications or medical malpractice. Stroke.

Penetrating brain injuries, where a foreign object pierces the skull.

Any brain injury is serious, and regardless of severity it is always important not only to seek medical advice, but also to contact a legal representative, who can assist you in circumstances where a claim for compensation may be appropriate.

An experienced car accident attorney can guide victims with brain injuries through the legal process.

Financial impacts of traumatic brain injuries

Not only are traumatic brain injuries life-changing for victims in terms of quality of life, but there are also significant financial implications for victims. Financial implications include medical bills, specialists’ fees, surgery costs and of course extensive rehabilitation. Depending on the injury there may also be costs associated with making modifications to your home and the purchase of equipment to aid recovery.

A doctor looking at an x ray of a skull

Our process in assisting with your traumatic brain injury claim

At Louisville Injury Law Firm we are thorough in our process, and we are committed to providing the best financial results to our clients as possible. Our process involves a variety of steps and has been designed with our clients’ needs and expectations in mind.

Our traumatic brain injury claim approach includes;

Complete a full investigation of the accident that led to the injury, looking at the cause and any other contributing factors.

Handle all relevant paperwork, including claim related paperwork and filing.

Work closely with medical professionals and specialists to ensure we have a solid understanding of your current and future medical needs

Liaise with medical and financial experts in order to raise an insurance claim that accurately accounts for your injuries and suffering.

Actively participate in the negotiation process with insurers and defense lawyers actively negotiating on your behalf to ensure the best outcome is achieved.

Why you should use an experienced lawyer.

After you experience a traumatic brain injury, especially if you are unable to work and have suffered injuries, it is important to work with an experienced lawyer who understands the process, as this will ensure you have the best chance of a successful claim.

Our drive, fight and exceptional advocacy ability truly sets us apart from our competitors, and we are invested in obtaining a successful claim on your behalf.

Contact the team at Louisville Injury Law Firm today on (502) 242-9000 and let us help you with your traumatic brain injury claim!

Don’t delay! There are time limits in relation to filing that may impact your case!

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